Dark Light

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairy tales of yesterday, grow but never die…..

Today I saw an Angel
so Pure, shining and surprisingly down to earth.
In all her sadness she was bold and enchanting me.
The smile on her sweet face was marked by her eternal sacrifice.
Though all the pain and hurt- I was happy to see her.
Once again. Our last time. Together.

It has been almost forty years since I last saw her…
Forty years…………….

What if………..
is lingering and torturing my brain- my soul, my being.

What if………..
is always tempting, but Never real.

Rather than this surrealism of “what if”, Be determent.
Be in the driver seat and focus on a pro-active mindset and thought.
Now that”, is an accomplishment in the past perfect tense: The accomplished perfect tense!
You already have accomplished what you imagined, desired or had dreamed of!
Call it the accomplished mindset, whatever.

And IF “now that”, is not working out, then there is always the last resort:
E.L.M.O := Enough Let’s Move On!
Do not hang yourself on to dependencies, uncertainties or surrealism.
Move forward.

So, I do Not want to play the “what if” card, Never;
Because it is Not, and can Never be real…..

Today, Today I saw an Angel………………..
Please…………………*sight* as I close my eyes, I am shivering.

What if………………….
echoes and dies within me……….


~ Surrealism.. and imagination can only bring hope and eternity- to what once could be ~


What is your accomplishment and your next step? Now that……………. Feel free to share your comments!

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