Dark Light

Her journey repeats, an endless testament- each cycle deepening her understanding and peace.

From the ashes of sacrifice, a spark of life emerges.
She rises in the dawn, feathers glistening with the promise of growth and rebirth.
In her majestic flight, she carries the wisdom of ages, the strength of her past flights.

In her radiant ascent, the sky becomes her canvas,
painted with the hues of glory and grace.
Each ascent is a testament to resilience, each rebirth a hymn to eternal hope.
The echoes of her sacrifice linger, a reminder of the power and joy within to transcend.

The flames of destruction, once feared, are now her crucible.
Purifying, transforming, renewing, she embraces the inferno in relief.
Reduced to ashes, she knows that only through this fiery embrace can she be born anew.

Through rebirth, life and destruction,
she unveils the sacred dance—the endless cycle of existence.

~ In her eternal journey, she embodies the essence of transformation, acceptance and the boundless potential of the soul ~

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